Jemusse Abel Ntunduatha**
Some variables of electoral behavior in the Nampula municipality, 2013-2017
Why do some people stop their survival activities to vote while others, in similar circumstances, become so disinterested in the electoral process in Nampula? Using three theoretical approaches: sociological, psychological and rational, we try to find specific explanations on the basis question "why are you going to vote?" There is no definite answer that everyone agrees, but there are some loose ideas. Although voters are not trying to affect future election results, in the face of election results and past problems, voting is also an act influenced by psychological factors. Voting for the first time seems like a handsome experience on the one hand. Those who voted in the last elections and their favorite candidate won, use their decision following the logic of reinforcement, on the other hand. If they voted in the last elections and their favorite candidate lost, they think they have the duty to vote again in the next elections, to avenge the punishment. The same logic applies to those who abstained in the last elections. If in this case, without having gone to vote, the respective favorite candidate won, their abstention is strengthened and they decide not to vote. But if their favorite candidate lost, then their abstention was punished and they decide to vote in the upcoming elections. In our study, we concluded, among others, that it is not the prospect of influencing the future electoral result that affects the probability of voting among the municipalities of Nampula. It is the association of their electoral behavior with the desired output for the future of their lives. In this case, voting is an instrument that only makes sense if it gives the voters some imagined gains.
Algumas variáveis do comportamento eleitoral no Município de Nampula, 2013-2017
Por que algumas pessoas interrompem suas actividades de sobrevivência para votar enquanto outras, em circunstâncias semelhantes, se tornam tão desinteressadas no processo eleitoral, em Nampula? Usando três abordagens teóricas: sociológica, psicológica e racional, tentamos encontrar explicações específicas sobre a questão-base "por que você vai votar?" Não há uma resposta definitiva que todos concordem, mas há algumas ideias soltas. Embora os eleitores não estejam tentando afectar os resultados das eleições futuras, diante de resultados eleitorais e problemas passados, a votação também é um acto influenciado por factores psicológicos. Votar pela primeira vez parece ser uma experiência atraente, por um lado.
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